Monday, July 28, 2014

Last Week... #6

I did some work on my nonfiction, which I really liked. I just hoped to do more. I hoped specifically to do more today, but I spent too much time in the morning waiting for my car. We've been having issues with our car since May 31. It seems like they will never end. So instead of spending 60 more minutes today with my story, I spent it hanging around the service waiting room. I'm unhappy. I was hoping to get these final revisions done today, but I doubt that's going to happen now. Oh well, it's real life's job to get in the way, right?

Here's a bit of something I already posted this week. 

Why was I really there?  After just a few weeks, I knew one person could do both our jobs.  At the most, one position could be part-time, a 20-30 hour week instead of a 40.  Yes, there were busy times when we'd get a few extra hours, but it wasn't a daily occurrence.  So why was I there?  Was it so she wouldn't have to work hard, but still get paid?  Was it there for her convenience?  Maybe Bob hired me so more work would get done, knowing he couldn't fire her.

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